Garman Family

Here is our cute little family!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Lovey Bears and Dirt.

It has come to my attention that Isaac's well loved bear, Lovey Bear is now being coveted by his younger brother. I started noticing this the other day. Isaac would wake up and dispose of his night time gear (Lovey Bear, Blanket, and Binky) into Asher's room. He started throwing the bear into Asher's crib. Unfortunately as soon as he realized Asher liked it, Isaac would rip the bear away leaving poor Asher screaming. So last night we went to Target to buy Asher his own. This one is blue so it won't be confused whose is whose. Isaac already wants the blue one too, but we are learning.

Last night we asked our good friend Jenny to watch the boys for us. They have four kids 3 boys and 1 girl. Isaac loves playing with the kids. They all were playing outside, and ended up getting filthy. when we asked Isaac if he had fun he said "uh huh".

"who did you play with, Isaac?"
"DIRT!" with a big old grin.

we had to laugh because he was right.

Dan has started in an outdoor league for soccer. Here are a few pictures from his game last Sunday.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Here are a few pictures from Easter. There are more, but I want to post a few while I have the time.

Easter pictures. Aren't they cute.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I won four VIP passes to see Nemo on Ice. Isaac was hesitant at first. But once the show started he was very interested. Brady went with us. He was a little more emotional than Isaac. He laughed he cried. Isaac just sat in awe. It was a lot of fun.

Elise is wearing a frog from the pinata.
Isaac turned 2 this month. We had a cowboy party for him. Everyone had a lot of fun.

Isaac was given a hoop and now he loves to "shoop" and he makes sure everyone gets a turn.

The pinata was a lot of fun...

for the dads

Isaac loves his new guitar.
There were a lot of friends at the party to share in the fun.

Asher is five months old already. Here are a few pictures from our photo shoot.

Here are a few pictures from our AZ trip. Isaac had a birthday party with my family. It was Asher's first time meeting Aunt Emily. Isaac rode Gigi's horse, Sammy. It was a fun trip.


This is Amigo. He is so cute. But we had to watch out. He can kick.